The Kubecon world tour is coming to its last stop of the year for Kubecon Americas 2019 in San Diego… and the Canonical / Ubuntu team will be present with Kubernetes in all its flavours from public cloud to private cloud, from powerful Intel Cores to ARM chipset, from single-node development machines to large clusters.
Date: November 18-21
Location: San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California
Booth: P36
Arrange a meeting at Kubecon
MicroK8s: Kubernetes at the edge and on desktop
MicroK8s is the leanest, cleanest CNCF-conformant K8s. Designed for devices and developers, MicroK8s installs in seconds in your VM, laptop or server. One-command install, zero-configuration, and automatic security updates make MicroK8s the simplest solution for small systems:
- Deploy Kubernetes in seconds on your desktop whether you’re running Linux, Windows or Mac OS
- Deploy on your favourite Raspberry Pi to and put Kubernetes at the edge and in IoT deployments
- Support for both Intel and ARM architecture.
- Get started quickly and easily with Kubeflow, Istio, Jaeger, Knative …
Multi-cloud Kubernetes
Canonical will showcase its multi-cloud Kubernetes portfolio:
- Ubuntu is the number 1 operating system for Kubernetes in the public cloud powering GKE, EKS or AKS
- Charmed Kubernetes allowing 1.16 deployment anywhere on public cloud, Openstack, VMware or bare metal
- Kubeadm based deployment
- Kata Containers deployed with Charmed Kubernetes across substrate to provide better security and isolation
Find out how Ubuntu Advantage for Infrastructure, takes the pain out of deploying a supported, upstream Kubernetes. With one contract you can deploy Kubernetes on bare metal or Openstack for the same price and with no additional paperwork. With the speed of deployment of Charmed Kubernetes you can change your mind, experiment with various combinations and it’s still the same price.
Meet us on booth P36 at Kubecon Americas 2019
For the whole of Kubecon Americas 2019 we will be demoing, discussing, sticker distributing on booth P36. But you won’t want to miss the drinks on our stand part of the Taco Tuesday Welcome Reception from 6:40 PM on the first day of the conference (Tuesday 19th).